
Pretzel Mummy Dogs

So cute and fun to make, everyone will love them! Part of their charm is in their imperfections!
  • 2 cans pizza dough
  • 2 packs hotdogs
  • 1 pack candy eyeballs
  • 2/3 cup baking soda
  • 1 egg (for brushing)
  • 1 1/2 tablespoon Kosher salt
  • 1 slice American cheese
  1. Line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper and unroll dough. Let set on the counter for about 30 minutes, just to let it poof up a bit and get to room temperature.
  2. In the meantime Preheat oven to 425 and fill a large pot with 4 quarts water and bring to a rolling boil.
  3. While that's getting ready you can slice the dough with a pizza cutter into strips. We made ours about 3/4 inch strips they don't all have to be the same, just roughly. Start at one end wrapping the hotdog leaving a little gap for the eyeballs later, when you get to the bottom wrap back up.
  4. Now when your ready to dip into the boiling water, add the baking soda slowly a little at a time, it does bubble up, I used an 8 quart pot with 4 quarts water and added the baking soda a couple tablespoons at a time till you get 2/3 cup in. Now you're ready to dip the wrapped hotdogs in 2 or 3 at a time till they float to the top, it only takes 10 -15 seconds for each one. Have a spider or large slotted spoon ready to remove them back to the parchment paper baking sheet, let drain a minute then move to the second baking sheet and brush with egg wash and sprinkle lightly with Kosher salt.
  5. Place in oven for 12-13 minutes and remove, now your ready to place the eyes on, that's the tricky part. We used a tiny piece of American cheese and tried to tuck a little under the dough to get them to stick on. They're a little stubborn just like some kids, you might have to talk to them to get them to listen. I've also seen dots of mustard or ketchup used for eyeballs if you need something else to use.

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